Category Feet

Let’s Talk About Feet- The Numb Foot

(From the 2010 Diabetes Today Edition) By Simone McConnie, BSC Pod Med (UK) Podiatrist in private practice, Barbados As a rule we grow up knowing that when something hurts we know something is wrong.  But with diabetes this is not…

Improving Diabetic Foot Care Every Step of the Way

(From the 2011 Diabetes Today Edition) When it comes to Diabetes, the main objective of podiatrist Simone McConnie, Chief Operating Officer of the Barbados Diabetes Foundation is to reduce Barbados’ high amputee rate through the Step-by-Step Diabetes Foot Care Project…

‘Toe-ing’ An Unnerving Diabetic Line

Press Feature by Shamkoe Pilé Abandoning the idea of using an old-time remedy of raw salt-fish skin and onion to heal a “nail-jook” in her big toe, Yvonne Shallow, a 55-year-old security supervisor and a type-two diabetic, said, “I am…